5 Ways Bloggers Can Improve Their Blogs
(Feb 11 2017 at 06:17am)
blog should always stand out and improving it will certainly go a long way in boosting your Blog's online
presence. Here are a few ways to improve your blog
Stay Updated With Accurate
A lot of Nigerian Bloggers like to update their blogs without verifying the accuracy of the information they post. Try to verify the authenticity of the information you post on your
blog before publishing. Also make sure you use excellent grammar and punctuation.
Use Videos And High Quality
Videos and Images will make your site more informative and interactive. Not everyone will find it easy to read plenty of information. If your blog has alot of tutorials then videos are certainly necessary.
High-quality images will give your
blog readers a good impression about your blog. You can get a lot of stock images for your blog with free license at Pixabay, Canva and PicMonkey.
Attractive and Outstanding Design
Make your blog attractive and
appealing for your visitors. Don't
over use plugins. Too many plug
ins may turn your blog into a war
zone. Your blog should stand out
and have an authentic appearance. It should be something that the visitor can easily remember. The color scheme and logo should be meaningful and carefully selected. I previously used a red and white color scheme but I later changed to yellow and black to match my new logo.
Make Your Blog Easy To Navigate
Users should be able to navigate
your blog easily. The blog should
be structured in a manner that
allows the users to use it easily.The most important pages should be listed at the top. The link on the website should not be broken. Ensure that all the links to other pages are working smoothly. The site should also be responsive. All of the web browsers should be compatible
with your blog from Google
Chrome to Mozilla Firefox and
Strengthen Security
Those using Blogspot are a little
bit safe when it comes to this
area. WordPress users should
endeavor to keep updating their
WordPress version to the latest
version to avoid hacks. The REST
API on WordPress had issues and
has been patched in the latest
version. Strengthening security
will help visitors to feel safe when
they work with you. You can also
purchase an SSL certificate.
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