Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )
(Dec 31 2016 at 01:33pm)
This Is An Official Thread , We will be tutoring on HTML , daily updates , Questions and Answers Section and so on..
You are welcome to join your contributions are highly welcome.
Please Endeavour To Register on this platform also invite your friends who are interested.. Please don't not derail this thread . Comment If you don't understand anything..
- HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language
- HTML Declaration - <!DOCTYPE html> they above code should be writting in the beginning of every code it is not necessary but it is a too habit if you want to have a clean work.
- HTML always begins with an opening tag <> and ends with a closing tag</> . elements are writing inside the opening and closing tag. however, some elements don't have closing tags.
examples of elements
Bold Text - < b > Text < / b >
now as you can see element b is located both in the opening and closing tag..
Some HTML Elements
i - <i>italize text</i>
strong - <strong>Strong text</strong>
sup - <sup>superscript Text </sup>
sub - <sub>Subscript text </sub>
em - <em>Emphasize text </em>
big - <big>Big text </big>
del - <del>Delete (strike) text </del>
more loading.., Stay Tune
Comments are welcome
Last edited 31 Dec 2016
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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )
(Dec 31 2016 at 02:29pm)
Nice thread (y) I am following
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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )
(Dec 31 2016 at 02:35pm)
thanks For the Comment Going to update soon
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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )
(Dec 31 2016 at 04:53pm)
Good Post... More grease to ur elbow
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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )
(Dec 31 2016 at 05:34pm)
Dominique: Good Post... More grease to ur elbow
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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )
(Dec 31 2016 at 05:45pm)
Now Where did we stopped? Aaaha HTML Elements You can search more on google...
Now Let Move Forward There Are many other elements in HTML some has closing tags while some don't have..
here are some more advanced html elements
To Create Link Text - <a href="http://projectnaija.com">Your Text E.g Always Visit Project Naija for the latest</a>
To Change Color Of Text Use - <font color="red">Your Text </font>Note your text will be red you can change the red to any color you can also use color codes(HEX values)
here are some color code
Red #ff0000
white #ffffff
black #000000
yellow #0000ff
green #006600
blue #000080
search Google for more html color codes
now for paragraphing use the <p></p> elements you can also add some style to you paragraph
like this
<p style="background-color:#006600;">Your content</p>
note that #006600 is the color code of green you can still put green instead now the above code will produce a YOUR CONTENT with a Green Background..
more coming. stay tuned please register and comment
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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )
(Dec 31 2016 at 05:59pm)
To Write A Hello World! In HTML Use this
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><body><p>Hello World!</p></body></head></html>
Notice sometime <!DOCTYPE html>Don't have a closing stage yes you are right it is a declaration that it is an html content it is optional but the code is too long yes you can eliminate <!DOCTYPE html> , html , head , elements even the body if it don't carry any style ..
to write hello world on a shortcut use
<p>Hello World!</p>
Some Html elements don't require a closing tag
some examples are;
<img src="imagelink"/> this is an html element that display image but you can sometimes put thr closing tag special attributes can be added..
examples of attributes are;
width = to increase width
height = to increase height
align = text positioning (left,center or right)
alt = Optional Shows word to be written before image appears
note all this attributes can also be use in some elements
<br/> elements don't require a closing tag it is used to start write on a new line (line break)
<hr/> To create a horizontal line use this tag you can use width and height attribute here also..
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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )
(Jan 01 2017 at 08:25am)
ok Todayvis new year so I will try and update any time I am free...
First A Little Work..
=== Write a Text Link Using projectnaija as link and text as "Free HTML coding Class ... Click Here"
- Write your name with a green background...
all comment should be written in the comment box ...
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