Mr Grandson the Mouth-Maker - Omaa
(Aug 14 2017 at 10:46am)
Hello Sir Grandson, the mouth-maker hiding behind cameres.
To me this your YYF seems not to be active, or are you the only in your so called YYF, i think we yoruba must just be noise makers, i havent seen any progress toward the so called Oduduwa Republic.
Tho I have met some young Yoruba
youths like me who seems ready to sacrifice whatever it takes to bring Oduduwa Republic into existence.
If i am permited i will like to ask:
* Why are you in London doing videos, is it your videos that will give us our Republic?
* You talk about Chemical weapons, who that one epp?
Well i cant blame our fellow yoruba's who are pledgong allianance with the Biafrans, when all we've got are just mouth making leaders.
Oga Grandson, Show Yourself and stop hiding behind cameras / medias.
How i wish Fela is Alive!
Am in my house o, You can come and beat me.
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