


14 new Windows 10 Shortcuts

(Aug 10 2015 at 02:50am)

We all know how damn useful keyboard shortcuts are and at least that is one thing Microsoft doesn't seem to be failing (sigh). Their new OS released recently also
comes with a new set of shortcuts that will sure come in handy the next time you want to be real productive...Here are a few I noticed:

  • Win Key= Launch the windows 10 start menu

  • Win + Tab = Launch Win10 Task View

  • Win + C = Search Cortana and the Web (Speech)

  • Win + S = Search Cortana and the Web (Keyboard Input)

  • Win + ([Left][Right][Up][Down])Arrow = Moves the current windows to a part of your screen. E.g Win + Left Arrow moves the current windows to the left halfof your screen

  • Win + H = Share Content (If supported by the current app)

  • Win + G = Opens Game bar e.g to take a screenshot (Works in any game app. My favorite is the SOlitaire collections :-p)

  • Win + X = Start Button context menu

  • Win + K = Connects to wireless and audio devices
  • .

    The list is sure incomplete. Saw any missing? You can comment it and be sure to check out Ultimate list of Win+[] Keys too.

    img attachment


    Last edited 10 Aug 2015

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