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Fifa 15 celebrations *can't. just wait to start balling*

Sep 10 2014 at 10:17am

As the countdown beginsfor FIFA 15, we saw thedemo version being made availablefor the fans to catch a glimpse of the game. And now wewill guide you regarding the various celebrations that you can use once you score a goal. You canalso find a video of the tutorial at the end.​

1. One arm​ raisedTo have an arm raised and run. all you need to do is hold the ‘B’ or the ‘O’ button.

​2. Thumb suckRemember the legendaryFrancesco Totti’s celebration after scoring the controversial penalty against Australia that sent Italy in to the quarters of the 2006 World Cup (which they everntually won)? You can repeat the same by holding the ‘X’ button or the ‘square’ button.​

3. Ear twistJust hold the ‘Y’ button orthe ‘triangle’ button to twist your ears and take off after netting a goal.​

4. Finger pointsTo point your fingers andrun, just tap the ‘B’ or the‘O’ button and then hold the same in order to complete the celebration.

​5. Arms outSimilarly, to run with your arms stretched out, just tap ‘X’ or ‘Square’ andthen hold the same.​

6. Wrist flickTo keep flicking your wrists, just tap ‘Y’ or ‘triangle’ and just keep holding the same.

7. Aeroplane/ point towards sky/ shhhh/ telephone/ can you hear me?Want to take off like an aeroplane? It’s simple, just keep holding the ‘RS’ or the ‘R3’ button. And while doing the same if you hold it upwards, the player will point towards the sky. If moved towards right he will make the ‘shhh’ sign to slience the crowd and if moved downwards, he will make the ‘telephone’ sign. Move it towards leftand he will make the ‘canyou hear me?’ sign.

​8. Hands outFlick ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ towards the right and then hold them towards the left to run with your hands out.

​9. Come onTo do the ‘come on’ celebration. flick ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ towards the left and then hold the same towards the right.

​10. Blow kissesBlow kisses towards the crowd by flicking the ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ button downwardsand then by holding it upwards.

11. Double arm swingTo run by swinging both your arms, flick ‘RS’ or R3’ upwards and then hold the same downwards.

12. Flying birdFly like a bird by flicking 'RS' or R3' towards the right and then holding the same in the same direction.13. Hand on headFlick ‘RS’ or R3’ towards the left and then hold thesame in the same direction to keep your hand on the head and run after scoring.​

14. Heart SymbolRun like Gareth Bale by flicking ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ downwards and holding the same in the same direction.​

15. Arms pointing upHave your arms pointing up by flicking ‘RS’ or R3’ upwards and holding thesame in the same direction.​16. WindmillRun like a windmill by just spinning the ‘RS’ button.

17. Point to the skyDo Messi’s trademark celebration by holding ‘LB’ and then pressing ‘B’,or by holding ‘L2’ and then pressing ‘O’.​

18. Showing respectIf you believe that you shouldn’t celebrate and instead show respect after scoring, then hold ‘LB’ or ‘L1’ and then double tap ‘B’ or ‘O’.

19. Flag slap Hold ‘LT’ or ‘L2’ and then flick ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ upwards to do the flag slap.​

20. Belly flopHold ‘LB’ or ‘L1’ and then press ‘X’ or ‘square’ to do the belly flop.

​21. Riding the waveHold ‘LB’ or ‘L1’ and then press ‘Y’ or ‘triangle’ to ride the wave.​

22. The BusinessLet everyone know that you mean business. Hold‘LB’ or L1’ and then flick ‘RS’ or R3’ downwards.​23. Standing archerHold ‘LB’ or L1’ and then hold ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ towards the right to stand like an archer and celebrate.

​24. Punch and dodgeTo punch and dodge after scoring, hold ‘LB’ or‘L1’ and then hold ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ towards the left.

​25. Chest slideSlide on your chest after scoring by holding ‘LB’ or‘L1’ and then flicking ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ upwards and downwards.​

26. Head shakeHold ‘LB’ or ‘L1’ and then flick ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ on the leftand right to shake your head and celebrate.

27. Signature moveIf you just want to perform a player’s signature move, then press ‘A’ or ‘X’.

​28. Backflip (Agile players)Agile players can do the backflip if you hold ‘LB’ or L1’ and then flick ‘RS’ or R3’ upwards. And if you want the double backflip, then just spin the ‘RS’ button instead of flicking.

29. Hand spring (Agile players)Again with the agile players, hold ‘LB’ or ‘L1’ and then spin the ‘RS’ button to do the hand spring.​30. Shoe shineWant someone to shine your shoe after scoring? Hold ‘LT’ or ‘L2’ and then press ‘B’ or ‘O’.​

31. ViolinistTo celebrate like a violinist, hold ‘LT’ or ‘L2’ and then press ‘X’ or ‘square’.

​32. Hands on earsKeep your hands on yourears while celebrating byholding ‘LT’ or ‘L2’ and then double tapping ‘X’ or‘square’.​

33. Heel tapsTap your heels by holding ‘LT’ or ‘L2’ and then double tapping ‘Y’ or‘triangle’. ​34. Knee slide – arms out /sitSlide on your knee with your arms out by holding‘LT’ or ‘L2’ and then holding ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ upwards, and in the same if you just flick them downwards then the player will sit.​

35. Can’t hear youFor this celebration, hold‘LT’ or ‘L2’ and then hold ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ towards the right.

​36. Side slideHold ‘LT’ or ‘L2’ and then hold ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ downwards.​

37. Brick fallDo the brick fall by holding ‘LT’ or ‘L2’ and then holding ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ towards the left.​

38. Knee slideHold ‘LT’ or ‘L2’ and then hold ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ in the upward and downward direction.​

39. Samba danceDo the samba with the Brazilians by holding ‘LT’ or “L2’ and then flicking ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ towards left and right.​40. Who am I?Hold ‘LT’ or ‘L2’ again andthen flick ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ towards right and then towards the left.​

41. Bird walkHold ‘LT’ or ‘L2’ and then flick ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ towards the left to walk like a bird.

​42. Flip/Twist flipHold ‘LT’ or ‘L2’ and then spin ‘RS’ to make him flip,and then twist it in the opposite direction to make him do the twist flip.

43. If I catch youHold ‘RT’ or ‘R2’ and then press ‘RS’ or ‘R3’ to do this celebration.

​44. Why always me?Hold ‘RB’ or ‘R1’ and then double tap ‘Y’ or ‘triangle’.

​45. Kiss the pitchBow down and kiss the pitch by holding ‘RT’ or ‘R2’ and then dou




Re: Fifa 15 celebrations *can't. just wait to start balling*

Apr 10 2015 at 10:55am

Is there not celebratioms for pes 2014 on ps2?

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