[FIX] FIFA 14 right analog stick not working
Jan 16 2016 at 09:30pm
Hello gamers. Most of you must have noticed that the right analog stick of most controllers dose not work in fifa, which is quite frustrating because when your game reaches a penalty shoot-out you wont be able to control the goalkeeper. Well here is a 2 mins fix to get it working on any type of controller you have.
1. Go to the start menu and search "run"
2. type
regedit and accept to run as admin
3. go to the following path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM

4. you will see a folder or maybe two depending on the amount of controllers you have used in the past
4b. select one of them and double click on the OEMName registry file and copy the name of the controller eg. Twin USB Vibration Gamepad
- close the registry editor
5. Go to your documents folder in the library and open the FIFA 14 folder
6. open the buttonDataSetup file with notepad
7. now paste the controller name you just copied inside the "---" of any of the following AddAllias
Logitech RumblePad 2 USB
Dual Trigger 3-in-1
FireStorm Wireless Gamepad
(eg. replace "FireStorm Wireless Gamepad" with "Twin USB Vibration Gamepad")

8. close the notepad and save the file
Your right analog should be working now. If it is still not working then choose a different controller from the regedit.
Last edited 20 Apr 2020