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Ladies, How Much Love Do You Have

Oct 06 2014 at 01:01pm

In life love is a two way thing. But, sometimes, one person
makes the relationship sweeter with his or her character or
actions. Many times women complain of being cheated, or
not finding ”Mr right”.
Mr right deserves Miss right. But sadly enough, many
women (especially young girls of nowadays) does not have
what it takes to make a man want to take them to the alter.
As a woman how much love do u have to show a man, can
you cook, can you stand in for him if he is nt there, how
good are u on bed, what suports ar u willing to give to a man
in hard times and to get to the top.
These days the only thing most women pride themselves
with is bosoms nd butt, they feel they are doing a guy favour
by dating him, they see sex as a commodity offered to men.
some even glue to their TV to watch Kim Kardashian and
other programmes that will further advance their fakeness
in life.
While in school i met a lady who was exceptional but not
Twice she bought textbooks for me with her money, kept my
room always clean nd even did my laudry was so concerned
in things that concern me and so many other things. She
believed tomorrow will be better. Up till this moment no
woman has been able to measure up to her in my life.
Some women see any guy that comes around them as a
potential maga who will fund them but forget they can also
get to the top or look for something to do. I’ ve always said it
if Mirian can decide to plait her coursemates hair or open a
boukar or ”mama put” or learn to type and make money
with it, sell recharge cards, fruits or clothes and or women
undies to survive, why is Caro jumping from one man to
another and calling herself a big girl because she carries the
latest phone which another man recharges for her and she
pings all day. Well, to me i don’t regard any of these type of
women as big girls i only see them as people who have
nothing to offer. I regard and respect the likes of Mirian of
this write up more.
What are you bringing to the table in a relationship? Or you
think you are doing a man a favour. Have a rethink

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