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MTN App free 150mb

May 03 2015 at 06:32pm

This is an official promo from mtn Nigeria!
Text App to 131 and you will be given free 150mb of data to download apps from their app store http://nextapps.mtnonline.com. Wondering if you can use the 150mb to access Web sites? Well let's try to tweak it and see.
First for people using Java or symbian phones simply create a new access point with the following:
apn: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
username/password: web
proxy/ip: turbohide.com
Port: 80

Save the access point and then on your default browser(not opera mini or ucbrowser) visit nextapps.mtnonline.com it should land u on turbohide you can then access other sites through turbohide.

Drop your testimony if u have issues use the quick reply box to comment.

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