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The Gift Of Faith

Sep 07 2014 at 11:12am

Gift of Faith

The gift of Faith is one of my favorites to have flow through me. You will find yourself doing and saying things that you would not normally do. Think of it-the gift of faith! God says that it is impossible to please Him without faith, and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. When this gift manifests, you can be so bold and sure of yourself. Later you may question "Why did I do that." Friend, it is because you have had a dimension of God flow through you that has the components to move mountains.

I was ministering at the end of a service and a lady came up for prayer. She had so many things wrong with her that it seemed impossible for her to be healed in the natural. As she explained her situation, I could almost feel faith drip out of me. I prayed the best I could. At the end of that church service she came up to me and said, "Do you really think I am healed?" The gift of faith had been in operation when I had prayed for her because I said, "Not only are you healed but you will sleep all night long for the first time." She was taken back by my quick and bold statements. The pastor called me a day later to tell me of the marvelous miracle that had happened to her. Not only did she sleep that night but she also was healed by morning. She went to her doctor and they said, "What happened to you?" It was obvious that she had been healed.

If you find yourself doing something out of your natural way of doing things and a mountain is moved on behalf of someone else, ask Him and you will usually find that the gift of faith has moved through you to touch them. You will know by the way you act that the gift of faith has manifested through you for ministry. Like in the case above, when I prayed I felt like I had no faith for the situation. To our amazement, God had the faith for us wrapped in a gift that set her free.

Friend, always pray believing because you never know when the gift of faith will be in operation. God just takes over because He loves us.


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