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Tips from Gmail Helps Police In Preventing Child porn

Aug 05 2014 at 11:07am

Just saw this article on CNET.


"Police told KHOU-TV that Google has spotted three allegedly pornographic images of children in Skillern's email and had tipped off the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "He was trying to get around getting caught, he was trying to keep it inside his email. I can't see that information, I can't see that photo, but Google can," Det. David Nettles told KHOU. Skillern, 41, who works at Denny's and is a registered sex offender, was arrested after police obtained a warrant. Police say they found more evidence of child pornography on Skillern's devices."

so what do you think, is Google right to tip out a user's private data to police or you see this as violation of the user's privacy?

Last edited 05 Aug 2014

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