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Why Writing Your Rap Lyrics On Phone Is Better: Five Benefits!

Dec 05 2018 at 12:15pm

written by Branh Paul
I use to be the type of nigga who loves writing his cool rap lyrics on paper with a Biro.
Many times I would use up to three pages or more, of a book, to write just a single rap song. I even saved up money to buy a Notebook specially for my song writing (the saving money part sound ludicrous, right?).
I wrote my rap lyrics and they were always dope like a fresh palm wine tapped by a talented tapper, but many a times I had to cancel some words in order to adjust the bar to my already chosen cadence, or you could call it: flow. This act made me to cancel a lot of times as if I was a bad writer. There was even a time I got tired of writing lyrics, all thanks to the stressful acts I do go through just to put thoughts to paper.
Until one day, something struck on me pertaining to writing lyrics with my android phone, and since then, my writing process and speed changed dramatically. Although before now, I have seen some rappers on T.V and on YouTube, rapping into the goddamn mike from their handheld device, though then, the using of phone never clicked on me. My Bad!
So I browsed on Google for apps I could use for song writing, as at then, the apps were very limited, but I came across one. Well, this article is not one about apps for writing song lyrics, so I will stop deviating and will skip this part and zoom off like a Ferrari car to the crux of this article.
So below, I have written the top FIVE benefits of using your android phone to write your rap lyrics. Please, this is according and from my own perspective (just had to warn you before you start thinking about the truth-value).
1. It makes the writing process much faster, just like the experience you get when you migrate from a bus to an airplane, as it is somehow evident and provable that humans type faster on phones than when they write.
2. It makes it easier for you to structure your lyrics according to your cadence, as if you were born with the talent of a master structural, you just have to delete and insert words instead of cancelling with biro which in fact makes your work untidy.
3. With the above benefits, it will do well to serve as an incentive for you to write more and this is due to the fact that it is less stressful and burdensome thereby making it an easy process for you.
4. You will be able to write anywhere without any hassle, unlike using a paper and a biro that you will have to carry around randomly, as if it were a paid job, and also needing a table to feel comfortable. But writing on your phone prevents such stress.
5. One of the most important aspects is that you can easily copy your already written lyrics and upload to the internet no matter how dumb you are, instead of constantly giving a typist to type from the paper which is obviously more costly, also consuming your time.
Also to add: you could make use of any android writing app to write your lyrics, just search online till you find the one more appropriate for you and your phone.




Re: Why Writing Your Rap Lyrics On Phone Is Better: Five Benefits!

Jan 31 2020 at 10:50am

Hi Paul! So nice to still see you here. Good luck with your rap.

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