


Branh Paul - Maltreating Ya Wife Lyrics

(Jul 11 2016 at 01:01pm)

A story for all you men and women,
You a man and molesting ya wife,
And you a woman but you aint wise,
Listen my story can change ya life,
This story made me believe money is the root of all evil,
Money was the case this man and is wife feud consistently,
Wife receive salary the man demanding for it,
If the wOMAN refuse he would push her oUtta the clan,
The woman is so soft that she don’t have a strong brain power,
In the name of Christianity the man was molesting her,
If it was other women they would have filled for divorce,
If you a woman you can’t pass through what this woman passed,
The man got aLot of money yet he is so damn voracious,
He has three house plus him also being a doctor,
Yet he wants the toy wage the wife earn from her work place,
When he comes back at night he starts pushing his wife out,
The woman cant holler or even devise a scene,
Assuming the wife had embarrassed the man since,
Then the whole world we notice and he would be ashamed,
But the wife is so quiet like a green grass hiding a green snake,
The wife after being oppressed we give her whole wage to the man,
She would have no money else with her self any longer,
Sometimes I see Christianity as a way people suffer,
The wife is so quiet that why she would die in silent,
A story for all you men and women,
You a man and molesting ya wife,
And you a woman but you aint wise,
Listen my story can change ya life,
WHY do people use bible to get advantage of others,
Just like the man collecting the wife salary,
He would say the bible said summit to your husband,
As being scribble in Ephesians five verse twenty two,
If you cant feed you family your worst than an infidel,
As being stated in first Timothy verse eight,
If it was other women they would have left the man,
For so long she be praying to GOD to change the man heart,
But prayer without action can’t give you your desire,
ItS time for women to be strong and face opposition,
Don’t think any woman would copy this woman behavior,
Loving a man who don’t love you is stupidity,
You better get wisdom and get ouTta calamity,
Man is the head he gat to provide for the family,
Though the wife is working he should still give her pocket money,
Make your wife and kids happy cos life aint everlasting,
No matter the money you have it is all vanity,
You can confirm that from Solomon the wisest king,
Women don’t you love a man who wont angelise you,
Any man who emulate this man is a fucking fool,
Learn to love your woman,
But I gat something on my mind, nigga, ha-ha, listen,
THOUGH the woman being maltreated she still love the man,
That’s convincing me that women like men who treat them bad,
As hopson stated the good guys are left behind,
There was a time the woman bought bag of rice at home,
The man threw it away cos the wife didn’t give him wage that month,
He wont give his children who are at home food to eat,
When the wife buys he would come home and throw it into the pit,
A man is the head of the family he should provide for his wife and kids, don’t be ,
like this man who works in oil company plus him having three houses, yet he ,
wantS his wife salary which aint upto quarter of his own. Even how the wife is obeying the man yet shes still being maltreated, if you a man ,
learn to love your wife, take care of her, that’s the best thing you can do before you die.
A story for all you men and women,
You a man and molesting ya wife,
And you a woman but you aint wise,
Listen my story can change ya life,
Learn to love your woman (×3) ,
(always learn that) ,
Lo lo love your woman,
Learn to love your wo your wo your wo.


Last edited 09 Sep 2016

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